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15 Best Toys For 18-24 Month Old Toddler 2019 – Buyer’s Guide

Playthings don’t have to be expensive as long as they’re appropriate for the age. Always look beyond what it is fun (although that’s also important) and try to think how your kid can benefit from it.

So here, I gathered the 15 best toys for 18-24 month old toddler, and I guarantee, it’s both educational and entertaining for your little one.

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How To Have A Stress-Free Travel With 18-Month old

If you want to travel with your 18-month old toddler with no hassle or inconvenience, then this post is for you.

Are you planning to travel with 18-month old toddler? I know you’re probably anxious especially if it’s their first time to go out of town.

I already wrote about flying with a child in this age group, and I included some tips to make it a non-traumatic experience for the little one, the passengers and you.

But what if it’s a road trip? At this point, you can’t just leave them with a movie if you’re travelling for hours.

For the first two, it might entertain them for a while, but eventually, they will get bored. Don’t worry though because I’ve been there and we’ve done that. So trust me, you got this.

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11 Important Skills You Need To Teach Your 18-Month Old Toddler

Toddlerhood is fun. I know most people say it’s one of the toughest phases and while that’s true, it’s also the stage where you’re starting to see your little one’s personality.

And that I think, is what makes it beautiful and challenging. When considering what to teach 18-month old child, there are many things you can do.

By this time, they have already acquired various skills and reached plenty of developmental milestones. The thing is, you don’t have to worry if you’re teaching them too much or just enough.

The following includes some of the basic and most important stuff you have to cover:

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