The 8 Best Things About Benefits Of Using A Tandem Stroller
Tandem strollers benefit parents who have twin babies or two babies with a close age gap. This would also be perfect if you have one toddler and another incoming one.
This will help you carry your babies around without much hassle. The tandem stroller is a great innovation in the world of strollers.
This stroller features two seats− an upper seat at the back and a lower seat at the front. Having a tandem stroller has a lot of benefits.
Here are a few of them.
1. Cost Effective
Having a newborn baby means a lot of expenses. From added electricity bills, medical expenses and educational plan to buying your kid’s stuffs.
All of this means that you need to be smart when buying things.
If you have a newborn baby and is planning to have another one within the next 1 to 3 years, it is best that you bus a tandem stroller than a single one to prevent additional expenses.
Besides from this, you will be able to save up some money from hiring a nanny to watch for your other kid when you need to go out and cannot bring both because you only have one single stroller.
2. Convenience While In The House
Being a parent means a lot of responsibilities. This includes cleaning the house, washing the dishes, tending to your lawn and many more.
When it comes to these situations, having a way to be able to watch for both your two children will definitely be an advantage.
Using a tandem stroller means that you are able to bring both of your toddlers to wherever you need to go around your house without leaving the other one or worrying about the two of them.
3. Practical When Traveling
There will be times when you need to do groceries, go shopping, go to a family gathering, or just have a walk in the park but cannot leave your children at home.
Furthermore, having to deal with two kids makes things more difficult. Instead of pushing two single strollers, you can use one tandem stroller for both the two of your kids.
Tandem strollers are also easily folded and unfolded. In addition, many tandem strollers can accommodate infant car seats.
All of these will allow you to have bonding time with both of your kids and not only with one.
4. Has A Wide Variety To Choose At
Tandem strollers come in different designs, shapes and sizes. You can choose one that fits your preference as well as what is convenient for you.
Some tandem strollers have a “stand-on” variation where it has a platform for your older child to stand on as well as a bench at the back to sit while your younger one is riding in the front.
Another tandem stroller has the two seats placed on top and the bottom instead of the usual front and back. This is called a single-to-double tandem stroller which works quite well.
5. Narrower In Design Compared To Side-By-Side Double Stroller
Unlike a side-by-side double stroller, a tandem stroller is narrower and is more practical to use.
This will be a better choice since you can pass through tight spaces like doorways and narrow halls easily without bumping on to people and things.
6. Durable
Tandem strollers are made to hold the weight of two kids and will not easily break and wear.
Unlike a side-by-side double stroller which have a wider width, a tandem stroller is easier to navigate.
If you place your elder child at the back and your youngest at the front, their weight will be evenly distributed allowing for easy stirring.
Furthermore, tandem strollers have become more compact in design, making it easier to pilot.
8. One Empty Seat Can Serve As A Basket
If your second child is not born yet and you already have a tandem stroller, you can use the vacant seat to put things like groceries, baby accessories and other similar stuffs.
This can also be useful when you are only bringing one of your children.
Tandem strollers have many advantages over a single stroller and a side-by-side double stroller. It allows you to be more practical which is necessary when you have a family or is starting one.
Planning ahead of time is better than being too late and regretting your choice. So if you will be having two kids with a near age gap, think about buying a tandem stroller.
Read about the best tandem strollers to get one for you.
Now, you should read about the best tandem strollers to get one for you in this article.
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